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Via Mincio 15, Località Possessione, Trevignano Romano, Zip 00069, Rome, Italy


Ycbe Nautical Base has always been located on the east shore of Bracciano Lake in the Municipality of Trevignano Romano at km 6,700 of Circumlacuale Road.
The location is very happy because the prevailing winds from the southwest of the lake allow you to find, even in the waters off the circle, steady wind and flat in most of the day.

Aerial Photos of the location:

1) Photo of Ycbe - Open Document:
  • the red area identifies the area of the Clubhouse,
  • the green area identifies the Parking Area of the Club,
  • the blu area identifies an extra water access for the boats,
  • the yellow area identifies Wind Store Club (see accomodations)
2) Photo of Main Roads leading to Bracciano Lake  - Open Document

3) Photo of Positioning of the Course on the Lake - Open Document
From North
Exit A1-Magliano Sabina (Autostrada del Sole), drive towards Civita Castellana - Nepi - Cassia National Road SS.2 direction of Rome - Trevignano Romano.
When you reach the lake junction, turn left towards Anguillara, after 300 meters turn right at the Via Mincio. Total 40 Km.

From South Cassia National Road SS 2
Via Cassia (National Road SS.2), junction for Bracciano/Anguillara in the place 'La Storta', junction for Anguillara in the place 'Osteria Nuova'. Reached Anguillara, take the circumlacuale road in right direction to Trevignano Romano. 300 meters after the Hotel 'Il Casale', turn left into the Via Mincio, shortly after the restaurant L'Acquarella. Total 25 km.

From South Cassia Bis National Road SS 2 Bis
Exit n. 5 of GRA (Grande Raccordo Anulare of Rome), Cassia Veientana (National Road SS.2 bis) - junction for Trevignano Romano. When you reach the lake, turn left towards Anguillara after 300 meters turn right at the Via Mincio. Total 35 km.
Link to Turbolenza